Prevalence of smoking in the Czech Republic


-         Currently, 25 % of adult population are smoking, ie. 2.5 million individuals.

-    Smokers are more often men (30 %) than women (22 %).

-    95 % of university students living in university residence halls have an experience with a waterpipe.

-    In 57 % of families, at least one of the parents is a smoker

-    80 % of today´s smokers started smoking before they were 18; as a result of the fact that addiction develops easier at a      lower age, many of them are going to stay addicted for the whole of their lives.

-    Death numbers in the Czech Republic as a result of smoking are estimated between 18 and 20 thousand every year.

-    Smoking in the Czech Republic culminated in 1960ies and 1970ies;  it has been on decrease ever since.

-    Over 70 % of adult smokers wish they could stop, over half of them have tried.

-    Older people stop smoking, on the contrary younger women start.

-    An average smoker smokes 27 cigarettes a day, 490 packs a year, which costs almost CZK 30 000.