

Perfectionism is the propensity to generate debilitating emotions and unproductive behavior by setting unrealistic high standards for one's performance, rigidly adhering to these standards, and equating self-worth with one's performance.

Perfectionism occurs in a number of forms which fall on a continuum of the degree to which it is disruptive to an individual. At the more benign end, many who are serious about performing well entertain perfectionistic thoughts on occasion and find themselves worrying unnecessarily, procrastinating, or second guessing their actions after finalizing an initiative; however, they are able to put these worries aside and attend to their tasks in a relatively effective manner. At the other end of the continuum are those who are continually handicapped by a strongly ingrained perfectionistic trait and suffer considerably in their self-esteem, emotional health and productivity. Midway on the continuum are individuals who waver in the degree to which they can manage their perfectionistic demands.