If you decide to quit smoking, stop at once. Try to cope by yourself. You have to know that you will face problems at the beginning that will gradually fade away. We offer you some simple recommendations that should help you cope with these problems.
Quit smoking: Self-help (D. Hrubá)
Craving a cigarette – have a chewing gum or drink something
You feel like smoking when studying, meeting your friends, making a phone call – drink something, have a chewing gum, do something with your hands (like scribbling)
Tension, bad mood – movement, sports, physical activity, a bath
A decreased capability to concentrate – vary activities
Hunger – have a chewing gum, eat some fruit or fresh vegetables
Dry mouth, cough – drink something
Fits of giddiness – relaxation exercises, movement in open air
Sleep disorders – physical strain during day, a warm bath
Constipation – fruits, fresh vegetables
If you can´t manage by yourself, try and seek an anti-smoking consultancy