make good use of your time at school


Are you able to make good use of the time you spend in lectures, seminars and practical lessons?


Try and make the most of the time spent in lectures and seminars.


A lecture

* Prepare for the next lecture – read your notes from the preceding one and complete them by studying the recommended literature.

* During a lecture, concentrate on understanding the important context

* Try to grasp the lecturerīs approach to the topic, notice what he/she is pointing out

* Put down important things telegraphically, definitions and examples in detail

* Divide your notes systematically, use colour pencils

* Put down sketches and charts your teacher is presenting you

* Make your notes in an intelligible and well-arranged way, so that you can later add more information from your independent study.



* Go through your notes from lectures and recommended literature in advance

* Prepare for discussion. Put down open questions and unclear issues you have run across during your study

* If there is something you donīt understand, ask your teacher

* Participate in an active manner both in the seminar and in its eventual evaluation. Learn how to evaluate and criticise objectively, but also to take lessons from your teacherīs assessment


Do your best to fill every pause, like the periods spent by waiting or transportation, by activities that donīt require so much concentration and can be easily interrupted.