Risk behaviour


Alcohol drinking                                                           

Drug abuse

Substance dependence is a state of physical and psychical dependence of an individual on one or more addictive substances that are taken in parallel, with harmful consequences for both the individual and the society (World Health Organisation).

Do you smoke?

  Smoking is harmful to your health. Do you know how?

  How strong is your dependence?

  Do you want to quit smoking?


Do you drink alcohol?


Do you use any substance that is being considered addictive?


Symptoms that are frequently experienced by individuals with substance dependence, including alcohol abuse:

-         rapid changes in mood, frequent irritability, anxious conditions

-         social communication problems

-         loss of motivation to study

-         decreasing capability to concentrate

-         worsening capability to memorize and recall information

-         frequent feeling of tiredness, daytime somnolence

-         sleep disorders

-         loss of appetite or inclination towards overeating

-         frequent sickness

-         worsening of health condition

-         neglecting of personal hygiene

Do you want to find out the level of your drug or alcohol dependence?


How to decrease the risk of developing a substance dependence?

1.      Recognise risk situations and avoid them (parties, disco, individuals with substance dependence)

2.      Learn about the health and social consequences of substance dependence

3.      Refuse drugs, alcohol or cigarette offered to you and be able to explain the reasons of your doing so

4.      Prefer leisure time activities that are incompatible with substance dependence (sports, physical activities)


How to cope with a substance dependence

1.      Don´t believe you have your dependence under control!

2.      Seek professional help!


Counselling services in drug abuse prevention

www.sananim.cz - drug information server

Addiction Counselling Centre for University Students and Employees