Going through life as a perfectionist will always damage your self-esteem and strip you of any warm feelings of self-acceptance you may have for yourself. That's because the impossibly high demands you make of yourself and the unrealistic expectations you place on others will invite only disappointment, self-repudiation, and widespread unhappiness.
Living your life as a perfectionist will also set you up for continuous rejection and self-putdowns and deny you peace of mind because demanding perfection usually results in failure. And even if you achieve an exceptional result, chances are that you'll stilI be unhappy, as you'll find additional reasons for not being good enough. Thas the destructive nature of perfectionism and thas why it destroys self-esteem. Nothing is ever good enough.
Being a perfectionist may paralyze your future chances of success in either your personal or your professional life because you'll eventually fear taking any new actions that might produce an imperfect result.
Minatoya L.: Dealing With Perfectionism. North Seattle Community College, 1996.
Preventing Perfectionism. Counseling Center, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994.
section was created within the framework of the Development project of the
Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Activity of the Czech Republic
Enlarging and increasing the effectiveness of counselling for Charles
University students in 2006.